Emotions that I invite you to experience, with me, by reading this small masterpiece
Categoria: English
Sting, Mantua, and startups
Capturing everything to review later, to say “I was there”, takes away much of the magic of watching, listening, and being present
A shuffle, the muffled sound of footsteps, fast but heavy steps coming from row twenty-three. I wake up startled: “Who is it? What are their intentions? What are they doing?”
Stalking at three thousand feet
A long and enjoyable conversation, lasting a Charles de Gaulle-Linate flight, exploring the joys and pains of our respective professions
Minimalist browsing
If you’re looking for a minimalist and functional start page, Bonjourr could be the right choice for you.
Lily, world’s first throw-and-shoot camera
Lily Camera, cool: “Lily is the world’s first throw-and-shoot camera. It lets anyone create cinematic footage previously reserved for professional…
We made it big!
Marco, the Scottitalian from Parabiago, yesterday on facebook: 1990 – North of Scotland….a very tired looking Marco, the day after…
Openstack Summit 2014: see you tomorrow in Paris?
Thanks to our friends at Enter, I’ll be in Paris for the next three days, attending the Openstack Summit 2014.…
iPhone “Unknown Application” error message
First time I see it; any clues? (iPhone 3GS, iOS 6.0.1)
Bergamo, Italy, a Medieval Town of Art and Architecture Near Milan
The moon gently illuminated Piazza Vecchia, in the northern Italian town of Bergamo, one late October evening. Shadows speckled Renaissance-era…
Why an Android fan recommends the iPhone
Via Scoop.it – Binterest I Agree and leave geeky things to the geeks!!! Just over five years ago, Steve Jobs…
Your host David
If you happen to come to London, pay a visit to the Spitalfields Market, the city’s oldest market. In front…
Esperienze riusabili / Reusable experiences.
Worldwide Driving Orientation by Country This map shows worldwide which side of the road traffic drives on by country:
I can’t, sorry. Oooops
http://youtu.be/zUA2rDVrmNg?w=500 “Watch Rick Perry’s Campaign End Before Your Eyes”
A gothic tour of Italy
Dal New York Times: VISITORS to Italy tend to seek its sunny, Dionysian side — vino, pasta, opera, cinquecento art, George Clooney on…
Get ready for your next trip to Italy
Kickoff at Sourcesense
@Sourcesense 2011 Company Meeting about to start in Greenwich, London!
Black Night
Four-fortyfive, Mozzanica by night, picture just taken: way too dark, though. Rome here I come (turn on the lights please).