A very interesting (and Italian!) iPhone app (PlaceTrack: Google Latitude background updater) is waiting for Jobs’ approval. C’mon! June 11:…
Categoria: English
Stairway to Heaven
“Absolutely, under no circumstance at all are customers allowed to play Stairway to Heaven, Sweet Child of Mine, or Smoke…
Na na na na, hey hey, goodbye
Dal New York Times: “And when it was over, a chant of “na na na na, hey hey, goodbye” arose…
You’re a moron
“No, he’s not English; believe me, he said ‘You’re more on‘; leave him alone!”. Today I saved this French guy…
Who’s gonna buy VMware?
While the company warns on revenue and replaces CEO Diane Greene, shares tumble 30%. Is it the right time to…
Will you be the next Microsoft CEO?
Bill is leaving soon; so, if you think you can do it, copy and paste from below. Dear Mr. Gates,I…
My brand new Curriculum Vitae
TagClouded, though. Thanks to wordle.net
Yahoo to buy Microsoft
Think of it: this is the only way these two giants could sign a real deal agreement. Now, let me…
Google docs offline with gears on eeepc
Briefly: google docs + gears + firefox on my eeepc. Tried this morning; astonishing, surprising: click, download, install, restart browser…
Smell my workplace: purge the cabin
My office, these days: “Gawd damn was that foul! Purge the cabin before we sufficate back here!” Purge the cabin:…
Deutsche Telekom to buy EDS?
From the Financial Times: “Deutsche Telekom has held exploratory takeover talks with Electronic Data Systems, the US-based IT service provider,…
Fashion gourmet in a renewed little Italy: the salsa
We, at lucabonesini.it, do fully support exporting the “oldie but goodie” Italian tradition. This “home-made pomodoro salsa” regularly happens every…
Airport security
This would probably make the security guru Bruce Schneier laugh. The shot was taken at the Olbia Airport, Sardegna-Italy, probably…
Mobile Threats and Solutions
Directly from the Financial Times, Mobile Threats and Solutions: ¦ Loss or theft of hardware: Use removable media, encrypt data,…
Google Summer of Code
From wordpress.org: “Looking for something fun to do this summer? All college and university students around the world are invited…
Card holders charged for being in credit
Online UK news website Telegraph.co.uk is publishig an incredible story about credit cards’ holders, who are fined because of positive…
Pissed off
It’s been a long time – months — since I have been told I was gonna be ‘The Man who…
Zii d’America
Elizabeth and Roby, thank you guys: that was the perfect present. You know I am (seriously) addicted to games, but…