Finché sfinimento non ci separi

moglie in spalla

moglie in spalla

Iscrizioni aperte da gennaio 2015, gara il 3 e 4 luglio prossimi a Sonkajärvi, Finlandia. E’ il Campionato ‘mondiale’ di trasporto moglie (Wife Carrying World Championships). Duecentocinquanta metri di sabbia, erba e asfalto, qualche ostacolo artificiale, moglie in spalla: non necessariamente la vostra, anche quella del vostro vicino, basta che non pesi meno di 49 chili (eventualmente viene aggiunta della zavorra artificiale, speriamo senza scomodare altro parentado).

Vince la coppia prima arriva (wow!); esiste una gara per la categoria senior, riservata agli over 40 (ooops!).

Più in dettaglio:

  • The length of the official track is 253.5 metres. Its surface is partially sand,
    grass and asphalt.
  • The track has two dry obstacles and one water obstacle,
    about a meter deep.
  • The wife to be carried may be your own, the neighbour’s or you may have
    found her farther ahead; she must, however, be over 17 years of age.
  • The minimum weight of the wife to be carried is 49 kilos. If she weighs less, she will be burdened with a heavy rucksack to reach the desired minimum weight.
  • The winner is the couple who completes the course in the shortest time.
  • If a contestant drops the wife, he has to lift her on to his back or in his arms
    and continue carrying.
  • The only equipment allowed is a belt worn by the carrier.
  • The contestants run the race two at a time, so each heat is a contest in itself.
  • Each contestant takes care of his/her safety and, if deemed necessary,
  • The contestants have to pay attention to the instructions given by the
    organisers of the competition.
  • The participation fee 50 € per a couple.

Gli amanti delle “questioni di gruppo“, inoltre, possono gareggiare nella gara speciale a loro riservata:

  • Along with the wife carrying world championships there is also a team competition. The track is the same but three men in the team carry the wife in turns. At the exchange point the carrier has to drink the official “wife carrying drink” before continuing the race“.

In attesa della Boldriniana gara a parti invertite, per iscriversi al nuovo Ratto delle sabine cliccare qui.