Crafter: il Web Content Management diventa Web Experience Management

Crafter Software

E’ l’ultima arrivata tra le partnership Sourcesense: Crafter Software, spinoff Rivet Logic, un Content Management -o meglio, Experience Management- web, che incorpora molte delle migliori tecnologie open source esistenti, tra cui Alfresco, Spring Framework, Freemarker Templating Language, Bootstrap, Google Analytics and Apache Solr. Viene proposto in versione community ed enterprise, quest’ultima a prezzi decisamente interessanti. Date un’occhiata al video qui sopra, al prodotto e se avete richieste e curiosità fate un fischio.

Crafter is an award-winning web content and experience management solution that allows organizations to build and manage rich online experiences on the web, mobile, social, and all digital online channels.

Crafter offers an open source, agile, and modern Java-based alternative to closed, proprietary WCM solutions

Crafter leverages best of breed free and open source software, including the Alfresco content platform, the Spring Framework, Freemarker Templating Language, Bootstrap, Google Analytics and Apache Solr.

Crafter Software offers two editions:

  • Community Edition: Fully featured, free and open source (GPL v3) with community support.
  • Enterprise Edition: Commercial license and enterprise support for a low annual subscription cost.