Una partnership di successo

two person in long sleeved shirt shakehand
Photo by Cytonn Photography on Pexels.com

E’ quella che va oltre l’ansia della chiusura di un contratto, di una trimestrale, di un semestre; è quella che fa felici -più o meno, “in sync“- sin dall’inizio, tutti gli attori coinvolti. Clienti compresi.

Qualche appunto raccolto tempo fa, qui sotto, per spiegarmi meglio:

Entering into a partnership is more complicated and difficult than entering into a marriage. According to Greg Roquet, President of Murphy Business Brokerage – Northern California, “…make sure you “date” your partner prior to getting married as partners.”

The best thing that can happen in a partnership is professional and financial success. On the other end of the scale you find failure, loss of cash and ruined relationships.

What makes a partnership succeed? Success begins with finding someone you like, trust, and share similar values with. Success grows when one partners’ strength serve the other’s weakness. Success becomes sustainable when you document process, define roles and responsibilities, and find a shared vision for the future.